Vision and Outcomes.

Sunflower Clouds

It’s fair to say we all have a vision of where we want our life to go, however the outcome isn’t always what we expect it to be. A common error is we expect other people to have the same amount of empathy that we do and are quite offended when they don’t offer the same empathy in return. I’m sure we could all make a long list of examples like this in our own lives, but take a look at whats happening throughout the world, from the horrors that are currently happening in Gaza, check out my live periscope tweet(click here) to the life stories I post from Omeleto, there are 2 that I would like to share, the first is a story of a young woman who grows up in violence and poverty and tries to escape with her new boyfriend who is involved in drug dealing, but she dismisses the criminal activity because they make money and she has that chance of escape, however her vision didn’t meet her preferred outcome, click here  The next story is uniquely Australian, it’s a video documentary of the amazing people you meet in the outback, the characters range from young men who have lost partners to illness, leaving home and school at 14 to get a job through to a Motivational Speaker who quit the city life, click here . Hope that inspired you to take focus and understand we all don’t get our desired outcome but that doesn’t mean we give up on it.

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