Remembrance and Empathy

Quote: We do not remember days, we remember moments – Ceasare Pavese

The moment the ANZACS landed on the beaches of Gallipoli or charged the front lines of Beersheba on the Australian Lighthorse through to the peacekeeping missions of Vietnam to Middle East. All of these wars, we don’t remember the days per se its more about the moments, be it traumatic or great learning of human behaviour.

Internal conflicts are the hardest, enemy not so clear. Since last update I have come across some other important things to remember and to exercise empathy. When I did the Empathy Tweets broadcast for Easter, I talked about calling on the NT Chief Commissioner to carry out the recommendations made by the Northern Territory Royal Commission instead of taking measures that make it harder for young people to get bail and give police unprecedented powers. You can see the Empathy tweets & Broadcast here

Fights come in different forms, such as the global fight we are currently waging against COVID 19. There is no country in the world that hasn’t been affected by the pandemic, on the 18th April the Empathy tweets had a blog from UNICEF telling the story of UNICEF Health workers delivering vaccines to people in Kathmandu in Nepal on foot. See the photos, its extraordinary click here

Since last blog I have tweeted about Climate Change and petitions shouting for equality and social justice.

NB: Please note Basicozbizinfo catalogues ceased early 2022 and has converted to the New Beginnings Blog

NB: Please note Basicozbizinfo catalogues ceased early 2022 and has converted to the New Beginnings Blog.

Hope you enjoyed the blog or any of the previous posts, when you make a tip to the New beginnings blog and social networks you help promote empathy and opportunity for everyone and go into a draw for a $100 e voucher.


Empathy Winners(Special VLOG Update)

G day everybody, I’m here streaming from the Gold Coast today, having a little getaway treat for myself after recovering from a fractured ankle.

While I have been recovering I have been giving some serious thought to the Basicozbizinfo Empathy Winners, it’s time now to get serious on this campaign

I’m so excited to start choosing empathy winners not just on Twitter but right across the Basicozbizinfo networks.

First let’s talk about empathy, what does empathy mean to you, let me tell you what it means to me. Having an understanding and respect of how another person feels or at the very least try to understand that feeling.

Basicozbizinfo Empathy Winners are the followers who inspire people to be their best. Basicozbizinfo inspires people to find new beginnings through empathy and opportunity, obviously empathy winners excel at this.

Life is hard, not everybody has had a good beginning and knows the abundance of opportunities that are out there and know how to embrace them.

One thing I have learnt is that you can’t do everything in this life by yourself, you will need the help and empathy of others. You can’t do it, I can’t do it, nobody can do it, everything completely on your own, if you think you can, I’m inclined to say your mistaken or your lying.

Nor would the universe expect us to, this is where Basicozbizinfo and the Empathy Winners comes in. Basicozbizinfo provides the catalogues, the blog, newsletter and new beginnings and opportunities however the Empathy winners make it all more special, without them there is no Basicozbizinfo, so they deserve something special and you can see what special benefits they receive by visiting Empathy TV on the Basicozbizinfo website.

Just on closing there is one thing I want to add. If you are to succeed and not to be disheartened by the challenges you face in life, persistence is omnipotent, a great or unlimited power. I have found this ring true for me on more than a few occasions, people can be very passive aggressive or should I say aggressive, the passive aggressive are still aggressive they are just not stupid enough to do it to your face.

What I am saying is, if you feel you haven’t succeeded in life because your home or family doesn’t meet your reasonable expectations or perhaps your in a job or club where you don’t fit into the culture and you try and try to get people to like you.

Don’t ever feel you have failed, you are simply going along your life path, what one needs to do is ask themselves what is it that makes ME happy and MAKE THAT DREAM OR GOAL HAPPEN with everything you have, every bit of energy you can muster and always make sure, is what I am doing improving and am I improving in some way and run that very race as fast as you can and if you are doing that you have already won against your aggressor.

Remember this. The hungry never get fed.

See you next week for Empathy tweets and enjoy the view.😊

Since last blog I have tweeted about Climate Change and petitions shouting for equality and social justice.

NB: Please note Basicozbizinfo catalogues ceased early 2022 and has converted to the New Beginnings Blog.

NB: Please note Basicozbizinfo catalogues ceased early 2022 and has converted to the New Beginnings Blog.

Hope you enjoyed the blog or any of the previous posts, when you make a tip to the New beginnings blog and social networks you help promote empathy and opportunity for everyone and go into a draw for a $100 e voucher.


Do you need to rise and reset for 2021?

Quote: “Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall”. Confucius

To head off into 2021 it must be said, 2020 has been a year where the majority of us were forced to stop, reflect and rise to new challenges. Since last update I have come across some amazing initiatives that deliver empathy and give opportunity to rise and make the lives of those in need and all of us better.

Greenpeace has started to tell Australia’s biggest companies to REenergise and go 100% renewable. The companies they focused on are Woolworths, Coles, Vodafone and Optus. By having these companies go 100% renewable means renewable energy becomes more of a power play in our communities. Greenpeace also ranks Australia’s companies on them leading the way on reaching 100% renewable and which are falling behind. Click here

Canva – Design for a Cause believes that everyone, everywhere, deserves the chance to create amazing designs that make the world a better place. With 48% of school age refugee children out of school, they have partnered with UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency to support refugee education.

Creativity has the power to help raise funds to enrol refugee children into quality, primary education across 14 countries. Join UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador, Ben Stiller, by sharing your creativity to make a difference and help build a better future for a refugee child. Click here

Access to a decent toilet can prevent disease, reduce gender violence and improve education.

Global Citizen has embarked upon a campaign addressing the Global Sanitation Crisis, reading from the Global Citizen’s website. “Access to a decent toilet can prevent disease, reduce gender-based violence, and improve health and education outcomes for people living in extreme poverty. But, for 2 billion individuals, lack of access to basic sanitation facilities is a reality — while 673 million people are forced to defecate in the open, using everything from street gutters to bushes, bodies of water, and fields.” Click here

Since last blog I have tweeted about Climate Change and petitions shouting for equality and social justice.

NB: Please note Basicozbizinfo catalogues ceased early 2022 and has converted to the New Beginnings Blog,

NB: Please note Basicozbizinfo catalogues ceased early 2022 and has converted to the New Beginnings Blog.

Hope you enjoyed the blog or any of the previous posts, when you make a tip to the New beginnings blog and social networks you help promote empathy and opportunity for everyone and go into a draw for a $100 e voucher.


Have you let yourself be used?

Quote: “Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex… It takes a touch of genius – and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction. E. F. Schumacher

People use people, all the time, there is no doubt. People use each other for money, as a crutch for emotional needs, people use each other for political reasons as well. So where do we draw the line of when we allow ourselves to be used and when we don’t.

Truthfulness and honesty I find to be a good line in the sand. If people are honest with you the process is a lot easier, but of course you must always ask yourself, what will I get out of this.

What I have learnt over the years is that you need to know what your goals and directions are and simply see if they align with what the user wants to use you for, does it match up? If I do this for somebody else will this help me achieve my goals in some way?

When the answer to these questions are a negative or no longer positive as they once were, its time to move on and get back to your life goals and place them in first gear. All of the decisions you make in your life journey are not a waste of time, you will find there is a reason you chose the path you did.

Once you realise this, things become clear as to who you are and where you need to be and have the faith that your internal compass won’t lead astray.

Since last blog I have tweeted about Climate Change and petitions shouting for equality and social justice.

NB: Please note Basicozbizinfo catalogues ceased early 2022 and has converted to the New Beginnings Blog.

NB: Please note Basicozbizinfo catalogues ceased early 2022 and has converted to the New Beginnings Blog.

Hope you enjoyed the blog or any of the previous posts, when you make a tip to the New beginnings blog and social networks you help promote empathy and opportunity for everyone and go into a draw for a $100 e voucher.


Are you still growing?

Personal Growth

“My personal growth stems from the humility with which I navigate the world, namely with a reverence for all of the knowledge that I’ve yet to learn but that is out there available to me.”  Gad Saad

Another good quote regarding personal growth is that we need adversity to achieve personal growth. Recover, rebuild and renew is the mantra of Australian Conservation Foundation Report on Australia’s Economic Recovery.

In 2020 we have experienced unprecedented climate disruption with a holiday season of devastating bushfires that wiped out towns, forests and wildlife. Next a global health pandemic that stopped the world in its tracks and now an unprecedented economic crisis.

The report makes some key recommendations such as.
• Create tens of thousands of jobs that are good for
nature and our climate
• Renew our energy system
• Make our nation fairer

By making our nation fairer, empathy builds advocacy, the more people involved in the recovery plan the better and the more Australia grows for the better. You can see the plan here. Click here

Invasion Day

How can we make Australia fairer? A step to take, that is closer to fairness and personal growth is inclusion. By closing the gap of inequality with an attitude of opportunity for all, key gaps that need to be improved are indigenous wealth inequality, lowering incarceration rates and deaths in custody.

Find out how you can help by clicking on the links below.
Ways you can support: Click here
Sign the petition to change the record Click Here

Since last blog I have tweeted about Climate Change and petitions shouting for equality and social justice.

NB: Please note Basicozbizinfo catalogues ceased early 2022 and has converted to the New Beginnings Blog.

Hope you enjoyed the blog or any of the previous posts, when you make a tip to the New beginnings blog and social networks you help promote empathy and opportunity for everyone and go into a draw for a $100 e voucher.


Are we being heard?

Listening 2

“Being heard is so close to being loved that for the average person they are almost indistinguishable.” – David Augsburger

I’m sure all of us have been in a situation where we talk till we are blue in the face and nobody is listening or screaming and nobody looks up, similar to how Kate Winslet’s character Rose felt just before Leonardo Di Caprio’s character’s Jack Dawson rescued her from over the Titanic’s railing.

Titanic:Jack saves Rose scene - Lyrics and Music by titanic ...

Covid-19 has taught us that when we had to exercise physical distancing and go into quarantine we could live in a world that was less polluted and be innovative in our everyday life which of course proves that if we switch to a renewable and sustainable economy we will have a more cleaner and healthier world and that fresh clean air and innovative ideas we enjoyed while in quarantine are something we should all aim for the long term.

However regardless of this what I would think was an obvious path, there are those who refuse to acknowledge and ignore these benefits for the sake of their own interests.

Petitions are great game changers, recently I signed a petition from The Australia Institute convincing the Australian govt that Covid-19 is an opportunity to move forward with renewables not gas or fossil fuel industry. Click here

However to move forward to a renewable and sustainable economy, we need a plan.  Climate Council of Australia have devised an Economy plan for this very purpose. They believe that Right now we have an opportunity to craft the future we want to see for Australia.

We can rebuild our economy with clean energy solutions – getting people back to work by ramping up projects in renewable energy, energy efficiency and climate resilience, that create jobs and drive down emissions. Check out their reports, it is definitely worth the read. Click here

New Economy

Australia has the most beautiful and largest Marine parks in the world, so its important to protect them. Saving Marine Parks from rollbacks and the Australian Fur Seals means we have them for future generations to travel and see them in their natural habitat, this of course is a wonderful  benefit to our economy. Click here

Save the Australian Fur Seals. Click Here

The Wire

Speaking of innovation! Refugees do amazing things, as the old saying goes “Neccesity is the mother of invention” When schools closed in Australia’s near neighbour Timor-Leste as a precaution against the coronavirus pandemic, the Timorese Ministry of Education called on UNICEF to help find a way to keep students learning.

Within two weeks of school closures, UNICEF and the Ministry of Education launched the distance learning program Eskola Ba Uma, which translates as ‘School Goes Home’ in the national language of Tetun.

Eskola Ba Uma provides learning materials across TV, radio, online, mobile phones and print, aiming to ensure all children can access education resources, no matter their circumstances. Click here

The Convention on the Rights of the Child and Palestine Refugee ...

Since last blog I have tweeted about Climate Change and petitions shouting for equality and social justice.

NB: Please note Basicozbizinfo catalogues ceased early 2022 and has converted to the New Beginnings Blog.

Hope you enjoyed the blog or any of the previous posts, when you make a tip to the New beginnings blog and social networks you help promote empathy and opportunity for everyone and go into a draw for a $100 e voucher.


Make your Bed.


Quote: “The secret of getting ahead is getting started.” Mark Twain

There is a fantastic video added to Empathy TV from Goalcast. It is a speech from a Navy Seal US Marine that presents a realistic approach to motivation. His solution to motivation was in his opening statement “Make your bed” it’s a simple yet mundane task that is tedious at best, however when you do it, it gives you a sense of accomplishment, so true.

You actually get more tired when you do nothing because your body gets use to it, whatever circumstance placed you into the lethargic mode, lockdown due to a pandemic which we are all currently experiencing, loss of employment, trauma or lack of personal achievement, all of which are examples where one finds themselves demotivated.

Covid 19 has given some great examples of how people best use this time, I have added them to the Empathy Tweets and will share here in the update blog. The first one is Viral Kindness; this project was launched by Get Up. Viral Kindness finds new and creative ways to care for ourselves, our loved ones, and our local and global communities. Click here.

Creation of a Government Oversight committee while the pandemic is in progress, as govt will not be able to sit as often and democracy is not to be a casualty of Covid 19 or any pandemic. By establishing a multi-party select committee to enable scrutiny of the various Government programs dealing with the COVID-19 crisis means that the pandemic will not be a tool of excuse to let draconian laws to be passed without debate. Click here

Captain Tom Moore, who fought in World War II, is again going to great lengths for his fellow citizens. The 99-year-old British veteran raised more than $9 million for U.K. health services battling COVID-19 by walking laps on his walking frame in his garden while in UK lockdown. Check out some other amazing tweets that show great empathy, Click here.

Since last blog I have tweeted about Climate Change and petitions shouting for equality and social justice.

NB: Please note Basicozbizinfo catalogues ceased early 2022 and has converted to the New Beginnings Blog.

Hope you enjoyed the blog or any of the previous posts, when you make a tip to the New beginnings blog and social networks you help promote empathy and opportunity for everyone and go into a draw for a $100 e voucher.


Are you doing what makes you happy?

Happy Man

“Until you are happy with who you are, you will never be happy because of what you have.” Zig Ziglar

Since last update Australia has descended into panic to the point of purchasing ridiculous amounts toilet paper(insert eye roll here).

Due to the Covid19 people have become anxious, this pandemic is bad no doubt, however panic and worry never achieved much. As humans we like to think we are in control, I often think of control as an illusion, the reality is you don’t know what’s going to happen next be it good or bad, the only thing you can count on is your reaction to it. “persistence is omnipotent” is one of my favourite mottos. One thing I think is important is to always do what makes you happy regardless of circumstance, so in this blog I ask “Are you doing what makes you happy?”

With the panic, unfortunately the ugliness of human behaviour surfaces with racism towards the Chinese and refusing to visit Chinese shops or Asian eateries. To combat this craziness Get Up started a new power campaign #Iwilleatwithyou click here

People refusing to surrender to panic and misinformation doing what they normally do or what makes them happy.

Another example of doing what makes you happy, the annual Sydney Mardi Gras for LGTBQIA, thousands attended just like they do every year with big names in music and the most prominent float being the firefighters, check out all the fun here

Since last blog I have tweeted about Climate Change and petitions shouting for equality and social justice.

Hope you enjoyed the blog or any of the previous posts, when you make a tip to the New beginnings blog and social networks you help promote empathy and opportunity for everyone and go into a draw for a $100 e voucher.


What is your intention?


“Our intention creates our reality” Wayne Dyer

When we tweet and social media share regarding the Climate emergency, what is our intention? That is question I am pondering for this blog, is our intention for government to change or improve its policies, or for deniers to see the light or perhaps should it be our intention to start coming up with solutions. I came across a tweet of a Japanese town called Kamikatsu which was burning its waste, its goal was to have zero waste by 2020 using sustainable methods they achieved 80% of their goal, now they educate world summits on how they got to their success. Click here

Intention creates our reality and it is only when we have good intention that we can create a better reality. Even though your intentions maybe clear, that doesn’t mean other people’s intentions are, for example a wealthy company that refuses to pay its employees, usually it’s because they have found a loophole or a situation that looks ambiguous and confusing for example a business you operated but has a different name to your main business goes bankrupt, then you state you have nothing to do with the business because it would be pretty difficult for the layman to find out . Such otherwise as what happened with these workers who are owed 4.5 million dollars in wages, click here 

Solutions and progress are everywhere from a renewable energy national transition plan that creates jobs and opportunities such as an eco-friendly bike can peddle on water. Click here

Since last blog I have tweeted about Climate Change and petitions shouting for equality and social justice.

Hope you enjoyed the blog or any of the previous posts, when you make a tip to the New beginnings blog and social networks you help promote empathy and opportunity for everyone and go into a draw for a $100 e voucher.


A New Journey 2020 – I Won’t Let the Sun go down on me.


Does your dream motivate you? “It’s not what the dream is but what the dream does.” John H. Johnson

Challenge and change is how I would describe the beginning of 2020, since last blog over a month ago the Bushfire Crisis continues along with the ridiculous weather no doubt due to Climate Change has proven to be challenging more than ever.

Having said that, blame is pointless as I have said before in my blogs before those without the social empathy can never change, but those of us who do have the empathy can. Solution is what is needed. As you know I create the Weekend Empathy Tweets on Twitter Moments, I came across a tweet of a Santa Claus giving clothes and blankets as gifts. Instead of making judgements or casting blame Santa simply provided a solution to a problem, click here

This is what we need to do, find solutions to Climate Change, forever the optimist I came across a tweet from Barak Obama “Here’s the thing: Even with problems of this magnitude, each of us can still find a way to make change. That’s why I’m proud of young people like Alice Mahar, an environmental activist in Melbourne. Read about her and find ways you can help, too”: click here

Startups, Investors and business people what a huge opportunity there is to be the entrepreneur to find solutions to help people manage Climate Change, however better still finding environmental, biological and scientific ways to cool the planet down e.g., finding a way to increase the speed of tree growth.

Since last blog I have tweeted over Human Rights abuses and petitions shouting for change and social justice.

Hope you enjoyed the blog or any of the previous posts, when you make a tip to the New beginnings blog and social networks you help promote empathy and opportunity for everyone and go into a draw for a $100 e voucher.