Are you still growing?

Personal Growth

“My personal growth stems from the humility with which I navigate the world, namely with a reverence for all of the knowledge that I’ve yet to learn but that is out there available to me.”  Gad Saad

Another good quote regarding personal growth is that we need adversity to achieve personal growth. Recover, rebuild and renew is the mantra of Australian Conservation Foundation Report on Australia’s Economic Recovery.

In 2020 we have experienced unprecedented climate disruption with a holiday season of devastating bushfires that wiped out towns, forests and wildlife. Next a global health pandemic that stopped the world in its tracks and now an unprecedented economic crisis.

The report makes some key recommendations such as.
• Create tens of thousands of jobs that are good for
nature and our climate
• Renew our energy system
• Make our nation fairer

By making our nation fairer, empathy builds advocacy, the more people involved in the recovery plan the better and the more Australia grows for the better. You can see the plan here. Click here

Invasion Day

How can we make Australia fairer? A step to take, that is closer to fairness and personal growth is inclusion. By closing the gap of inequality with an attitude of opportunity for all, key gaps that need to be improved are indigenous wealth inequality, lowering incarceration rates and deaths in custody.

Find out how you can help by clicking on the links below.
Ways you can support: Click here
Sign the petition to change the record Click Here

Since last blog I have tweeted about Climate Change and petitions shouting for equality and social justice.

NB: Please note Basicozbizinfo catalogues ceased early 2022 and has converted to the New Beginnings Blog.

Hope you enjoyed the blog or any of the previous posts, when you make a tip to the New beginnings blog and social networks you help promote empathy and opportunity for everyone and go into a draw for a $100 e voucher.


Make your Bed.


Quote: “The secret of getting ahead is getting started.” Mark Twain

There is a fantastic video added to Empathy TV from Goalcast. It is a speech from a Navy Seal US Marine that presents a realistic approach to motivation. His solution to motivation was in his opening statement “Make your bed” it’s a simple yet mundane task that is tedious at best, however when you do it, it gives you a sense of accomplishment, so true.

You actually get more tired when you do nothing because your body gets use to it, whatever circumstance placed you into the lethargic mode, lockdown due to a pandemic which we are all currently experiencing, loss of employment, trauma or lack of personal achievement, all of which are examples where one finds themselves demotivated.

Covid 19 has given some great examples of how people best use this time, I have added them to the Empathy Tweets and will share here in the update blog. The first one is Viral Kindness; this project was launched by Get Up. Viral Kindness finds new and creative ways to care for ourselves, our loved ones, and our local and global communities. Click here.

Creation of a Government Oversight committee while the pandemic is in progress, as govt will not be able to sit as often and democracy is not to be a casualty of Covid 19 or any pandemic. By establishing a multi-party select committee to enable scrutiny of the various Government programs dealing with the COVID-19 crisis means that the pandemic will not be a tool of excuse to let draconian laws to be passed without debate. Click here

Captain Tom Moore, who fought in World War II, is again going to great lengths for his fellow citizens. The 99-year-old British veteran raised more than $9 million for U.K. health services battling COVID-19 by walking laps on his walking frame in his garden while in UK lockdown. Check out some other amazing tweets that show great empathy, Click here.

Since last blog I have tweeted about Climate Change and petitions shouting for equality and social justice.

NB: Please note Basicozbizinfo catalogues ceased early 2022 and has converted to the New Beginnings Blog.

Hope you enjoyed the blog or any of the previous posts, when you make a tip to the New beginnings blog and social networks you help promote empathy and opportunity for everyone and go into a draw for a $100 e voucher.


Are you doing what makes you happy?

Happy Man

“Until you are happy with who you are, you will never be happy because of what you have.” Zig Ziglar

Since last update Australia has descended into panic to the point of purchasing ridiculous amounts toilet paper(insert eye roll here).

Due to the Covid19 people have become anxious, this pandemic is bad no doubt, however panic and worry never achieved much. As humans we like to think we are in control, I often think of control as an illusion, the reality is you don’t know what’s going to happen next be it good or bad, the only thing you can count on is your reaction to it. “persistence is omnipotent” is one of my favourite mottos. One thing I think is important is to always do what makes you happy regardless of circumstance, so in this blog I ask “Are you doing what makes you happy?”

With the panic, unfortunately the ugliness of human behaviour surfaces with racism towards the Chinese and refusing to visit Chinese shops or Asian eateries. To combat this craziness Get Up started a new power campaign #Iwilleatwithyou click here

People refusing to surrender to panic and misinformation doing what they normally do or what makes them happy.

Another example of doing what makes you happy, the annual Sydney Mardi Gras for LGTBQIA, thousands attended just like they do every year with big names in music and the most prominent float being the firefighters, check out all the fun here

Since last blog I have tweeted about Climate Change and petitions shouting for equality and social justice.

Hope you enjoyed the blog or any of the previous posts, when you make a tip to the New beginnings blog and social networks you help promote empathy and opportunity for everyone and go into a draw for a $100 e voucher.


What is your intention?


“Our intention creates our reality” Wayne Dyer

When we tweet and social media share regarding the Climate emergency, what is our intention? That is question I am pondering for this blog, is our intention for government to change or improve its policies, or for deniers to see the light or perhaps should it be our intention to start coming up with solutions. I came across a tweet of a Japanese town called Kamikatsu which was burning its waste, its goal was to have zero waste by 2020 using sustainable methods they achieved 80% of their goal, now they educate world summits on how they got to their success. Click here

Intention creates our reality and it is only when we have good intention that we can create a better reality. Even though your intentions maybe clear, that doesn’t mean other people’s intentions are, for example a wealthy company that refuses to pay its employees, usually it’s because they have found a loophole or a situation that looks ambiguous and confusing for example a business you operated but has a different name to your main business goes bankrupt, then you state you have nothing to do with the business because it would be pretty difficult for the layman to find out . Such otherwise as what happened with these workers who are owed 4.5 million dollars in wages, click here 

Solutions and progress are everywhere from a renewable energy national transition plan that creates jobs and opportunities such as an eco-friendly bike can peddle on water. Click here

Since last blog I have tweeted about Climate Change and petitions shouting for equality and social justice.

Hope you enjoyed the blog or any of the previous posts, when you make a tip to the New beginnings blog and social networks you help promote empathy and opportunity for everyone and go into a draw for a $100 e voucher.


The empathy of others- other’s negative perceptions or views does not dictate our destiny

Empathy of others

All our knowledge has its origins in our perceptions. ” Leonardo da Vinci”

How we view the world is out perception of reality, the importance of Climate Change is a good example, currently Australia is experiencing one of the worst droughts and bushfire seasons and Summer has only just started, weather records have been broken along with catastrophic events.

To write up the last blog for 2019, I went through my Weekend Empathy tweets and I found a petition I signed asking for the Prime Minister to honour a meeting with Firefighters which was scheduled before these summer climate change events occurred but unfortunately the meeting never happened.

What kind of society or democracy do we live in when need to petition a leader to do something so basic, so much an ordinary part of leaders role is to meet with community groups, service workers etc to obtain feedback and develop policy, OBVIOUSLY this is the role of a leader. But here we are signing petitions to say, please do your job that my taxes pay you to do. Click Here

Nonetheless the Firefighters gained a national audience and political pressure was applied and the support damaged the govt into action. This an example where another’s negative perception does not dictate our own destiny. Well done to these brave Firefighters who I am sure do not have much political experience.

Christmas is here and gift giving is happening. Another great example of how negative perception doesn’t dictate our own destiny is these amazing people from Ten Thousand Villages, a group of people building and creating sustainable gifts, focusing on gifts that are eco-friendly only and at the same time building developing communities. Click Here

What do you want out of life? “Nobody sets the rules but you. You can design your own life.” Carrie-Anne Moss “

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Time to Listen

Image result for Listening"

Ghandi once said “First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.”

One of the sincerest forms of respect is listening to what another has to say. For those who lack empathy, their greatest strength is the ability to ignore others whose interest doesn’t match their own.

For those of us who have the empathy our greatest strengths is listening not just to our interests but the thoughts and feelings of others and then then support grows. The recent press raids are an example of that, the hashtag Press Freedom trended to a point the Federal Govt had to backpedal on its ABC raids and the story they wanted silenced became known (Australian Defence Force war crime in Afghanistan). In my experience, not a lot of people enjoy conflict or change, however this is the very thing that those with a corrupt interest bank on, that truth tellers are being extreme or just plain troublemakers, so a great way to combat that is to tell the truth in a logical and calm manner, works every time. Click here 

Mental health especially among men is a tricky political topic. Men are either seen as a Hero, Villain, Winner or Loser, of course the reality is men can be any of these things at any given time, however this political perception is very dangerous, if man comes across trauma(abuse, mental illness etc), resources are very limited and they should at least be risen to adequate. Unfortunately, the social political tide thanks to Mr Trump means there is not much political will in Men’s Health/Mental Health and there is a rise in hate groups such as INCELS all run by Men. If the tide is to turn, we need to focus on Men’s Health in combination with every other social justice issue. Click here

Another area that requires listening is the combination of Human Rights and Economic interest. Australia’s business leaders feel Australia can’t survive without China, I’m inclined to think that both economies can work together well, its all about the old-fashioned give and take. In China, Uyghur people are being rounded up and forced into internment camps, some of these people hold Australian passports. We have just as much to offer China to help with their growing population issues and their rising social class, so there is a lot to negotiate and discuss regarding expectations of civility and economic benefit, all about seeing opportunity, Click here

For years the Australian Indigenous community have fought for Uluru, everything from name change (Ayres Rock) to banning the climb, as Uluru is a sacred site and one doesn’t want to be climbing all over a sacred site nor be incorrectly named. A sweet victory when the ban came into effect, hopefully one day people who wanted to climb it will learn to appreciate the fact, it’s a monolith and not supposed to be climbed, not only is this dangerous and disrespectful but the whole purpose of a visit is to appreciate its beauty and natural wonder like when it changes colour at sunset and the waterfalls when it rains, you can’t see these things by climbing all over it, it’s a rock, pays to listen. Click here

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Do we need to create a New Democracy?

Democracy Feature

The answer to this question, would be YES and URGENTLY. Take into consideration the current political agenda, Climate Change, growing inequality, corrupt lobbying, govt bullying and thieving from its population.

Recently I sent a tweet asking Twitter and Pauline Hanson(Australian Senator) to remove a violent video tweet of a taxpayer funded senator waving a Cattle Prod and suggesting that the Qld Police use this weapon like object on Climate Change Protestors in Brisbane who are rightfully protesting against the unnecessary Adani Coal Mine(click here).

Putting aside the logic of no new coal mines, only renewable projects for domestic or export use is the only acceptable policy in the 21st Century. What concerns me the most is that a Senator feels its her role to threaten members of the public she disagrees with either for political point scoring or TV time, instead of reviewing legislation sent from the House of Representatives which is what every senator is paid to do under the constitution. For the record Twitter removed the tweet, thank you Twitter.

While on the subject of renewable energy and of course Climate Change, no doubt you have heard of the Amazon Fires, this is a good example of an ignorant lobbying interest in the face of global warming, the interest of land clearing and development taking a higher priority than the welfare of the world’s largest rainforest or more commonly known as the worlds lungs, you can sign the petition here.

Witness K is the whistle-blower who released information regarding a past Australian Government misusing ASIO powers to spy on another nation, Timor Leste, in order to obtain an advantage in negotiations. Witness K is now being charged for misusing govt information for the release which of course isn’t in the spirit of the law’s intention. Sign the petition of support, click here.

The horror and sad stories regarding Robodebt or should be just simply be called corrupt political govt fraud. The purpose behind Robodebt has been proven as a means for the govt to achieve surplus and doing it on the back of society’s most vulnerable, the recovery system works on a comparison of your yearly earnings to pension amount claimed against a certain period, as person’s income can change throughout the year, the yearly calculation is irrelevant and is regularly proven wrong and is not legally workable with many cases that are taken to court fail. As a result of this programme, many young people on Homeless Youth Allowance, Newstart and Disability have committed suicide, living on the streets or sacrificing a daily meal for them and their family. Check out the great work Get up is doing with FraudStop click here.

Taking the last paragraphs into consideration, I would be inclined to say these are very relevant arguments for a new transparent democracy is definitely needed. Social Media and Internet is the most powerful people tool created in history, it is time for a discussion on how we can use this magnificent tool as a fairer population management tool.

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Who is in control of our empathy?


Our empathy is always our own to administer, however do we use our empathy to convince those who cause huge amounts of pain, such as families escaping poverty due to inequality, war or Climate Change to change their ways or be a solution and light to that existing pain.

Yesterday I posted a tweet reply to Alexandria Orcasio Cortez(AOC) that racked up quite a lot of impressions and likes, I was replying to her brilliant response to the cost of Insulin in the US which is $1000 per month WITH insurance, AOC went on to query further on to define how stock buybacks, where companies buy their own stock to push up stock value in turn affects the price of pharmaceuticals and how legislating against this would solve this horrendous inequality problem where the poor can’t afford basic health care, also AOC mentioned how her own struggle looking after her father before he died from a rare form of lung cancer, please watch here.

Solutions are needed not just the protest and the fight, such as the UN Global goals to combat Climate Crisis, hence the Worlds Largest Solar Thermal plant, check out my Weekend Empathy Tweets Moment on Twitter, click here.

Australian Indigenous recognition and improving the poverty gap has always been a political issue for as long as I have been born, I can just remember as a kid when Prime Minister Gough Whitlam pours soil into hand of traditional landowner Vincent Lingiari, Northern Territory’ 1975 Click here. Solutions such as Treaty and National Learning of Indigenous languages cannot be understated as a good step forward, click here to find more info, Weekend Empathy Tweets Moment, click here.

Homelessness, Housing affordability and Inequality in general due to unsubstantiated inadequate spending on people services, truth in political advertising is the key method to solving these issues , because if the govt is not spending on people services what is it spending the money on, its whole purpose is to create revenue and service for the people, click here for more info, Weekend Empathy Tweets Moment, click here.

Hope you enjoyed the blog or any of the previous posts, when you make a tip to the New beginnings blog and social networks you help promote empathy and opportunity for everyone and go into a draw for a $100 e voucher.


Are you in a state of Wellness and Self-fulfilment?


If not, get there! Wellness is the physical, mental, and emotional health, leading to a healthy way of living. Too often our goals are taken up with competitive ones, we are in a race to beat someone else or to have something that someone else doesn’t have. What all these boils down too, is what the other person is doing. A better way to go would be to simply ignore the competitiveness and set your own goal of achieving something good for somebody else.

A good example I came across in my Weekend Empathy Tweets is where a group of students did an emotional farewell for an elderly lady who would wave to them every morning, rain, hail or shine wishing them a happy start to the day. The video went viral and so did their social media profiles, you can see the tweet here .

Just after my last blog, I attended the STOP ADANI coal mine rally, Carmichael coal mine is a massive mine and a horrible Climate Change Timebomb proposed for Queensland with little job prospects as most jobs are automated and clearly damaging for the environment, the only benefit is to it owners who capitalise on the monopoly market of energy. As I am typing this blog Australia has voted to keep is current prime minister which means the mine will eventually most likely go ahead. Regardless of any setbacks, it’s important to realise they are only setbacks and you should always support solutions that improve the wellness of our lives and protest the activities that don’t. You can see my amazing experiences at the STOP ADANI RALLY here.

On a more positive note solutions are found everyday that help us achieve wellness if not for ourselves but for others in our community, such as the Zero emissions tour boat for the Niagara Falls click here (scroll down). Solutions and empathy is everywhere, so make wellness and empathy your new life goal.

Hope you enjoyed the blog or any of the previous posts, when you make a tip to the New beginnings blog and social networks you help promote empathy and opportunity for everyone and go into a draw for a $100 e voucher.


Changed minds equals a changed economy.

New Economy

Two extraordinary people have captured my attention since last update, the amazing Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on defence of The Green New Deal and of course Julian Assange who despite his political arrest, his fight continues.

I will never forget Collateral Murder(click here), this was an undeniable turning point in our western culture, we could see first hand the crimes our western culture commits and of course like most adults we don’t assume there is one great power except that of the people, this is Julian’s or Wikileaks message , plain and simple. Nobody is above the law or above fair criticism and there is no such thing as classified information, keeping secrets from humans is generally impossible.

Most opponents of progressive thinking or general common sense with empathy and without issue always use the economy or money as an excuse to defend lack of action, no greater example of this than with climate change, it’s in our economic interest to transition to renewables so our economy can prosper with smarter technology that creates opportunities within itself as opposed to simply holding onto old money ways because that’s the comfort zone your used to, as an adult you must accept things change with out political tantrum and if it’s the right path, you walk it.

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