Wings and self control

Delta Wings

Heard a great song by Delta Goodrem(above) titled Wings, that got me thinking about risk taking and self-control. In the song Delta asks “What if I lose my self-control and choose to let it go, these wings were made to fly” In the song I presume she is talking about a relationship, losing all self inhibitions or fears and going for it, however I would relate the song to life in general not just the romance.

Throughout life we are faced with challenges and have decisions to make, sadly these challenges can be too emotional and we lose our inhibitions and this becomes a mistake for example losing our cool with a passive aggressive boss or somebody who cuts us off in traffic. Why do we get emotional and where do these emotional frustrations come from?

In life we are all on a journey somewhere heading towards our destination, like all journeys it’s never a smooth ride and we don’t always know how long it will take, this is the reason we get frustrated. One thing for certain is that the journey will end and how it will end isn’t up to any individual, however how we react to the ending is up to us.

Wings are made to fly and a bird doesn’t go on just one journey, a bird will fly here and there, many little or big journeys and I would be inclined to say that self-control is paramount to help the bird stick to its journey. Obviously the same is with us, the wings in our soul and character help us fly to where we want to be and it is important to ask “What if I lose my self-control?” what does that mean for me and my journey.

Check out Delta’s video on the Empathy TV.

Take care and keep the faith 🙂

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Entitlement and Empathy


Recently in Australia we had our parliament speaker forced to resign due to ridiculous expenses claimed for and paid by the taxpayer ranging from down the road helicopter flights, weddings, fundraisers and overseas trips. Some of these things were extreme but apparently made in the name of helping the Australian people, something for which I can’t see how socializing and networking amongst your own constituents is for the common good. This has been rather embarrassing for the government of the day as its main key policy since election has been that the age of entitlement is over and we the people need to tighten our belts.

So lets talk about entitlement and empathy. Entitlement is defined as a right to a guaranteed benefit such as a tax benefit and empathy is defined as the intellectual identification of experiencing the feelings, thoughts or attitudes of another for example how you might feel about a victim of a serious crime. What somebody is entitled to is open to debate, however what we feel can not be denied. Dare I say we are entitled to what we feel, if we feel our empathy been taken advantage of, then we are entitled to say so.

The purpose of government is to be a lighthouse for the people, to provide services for the population so it can advance, hence Advance Australia Fair. After this is done, then the role of the individual is to improve themselves, it is this empathy that all Australians and I imagine others as well are all entitled too. This is also a great example of entitlement, an entitlement of empathy.

Take care and keep the faith 🙂

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Upgrade Your World

Taking the next level

I realized EMPATHY TV had been neglected for a little while and I hadn’t added any interesting videos. Looking for inspiration I decided to have a look at some videos that I had liked with the thumbs up. The first one I noticed I had added some time ago and is still in there and that is superheroes by The Script, such an amazing video and song about a father who collects rubbish for a living and goes to work in a suit and tie so not shame his daughter, another one and I hadn’t added was by Oprah, a show she did a few years ago but still very relevant.

A lady said she had a light bulb moment about something that always stayed in her mind and that was her Dad had told her quite bluntly “Your’e getting fat aren’t you?” Not a very helpful and considerate question. Oprah replied “In situations like this and conflict I always ask myself “What does this mean?” “What is this situation trying to tell us?” By doing this we can make steps to improve our lives instead of dwelling on the negative commentary of another.

Another word for improvement is upgrade, another video I liked and added to the playlist was a cute little video from Windows 10, showing how we can upgrade our world including those in developing countries and shows how the latest windows software helps in their everyday lives like beginning businesses, getting water, making infrastructure, truly fantastic. I think we can all learn how to upgrade our worlds and the worlds of others.

Take care and keep the faith 🙂

Hope you enjoyed the blog or any of the previous posts, when you make a tip to the New beginnings blog and social networks you help promote empathy and opportunity for everyone and go into a draw for a $100 e voucher.


Education builds strong minds and hopeful hearts

character sitting on the top of book's heap

Came across a surprise follower on twitter this week, Project Chacocente in Masaya, Nicaragua(South of Mexico). Out of the Dump website is fantastic, promoting their campus for educating children from primary school to high school and adults in vocational classes learning their way out of poverty, with great success stories. They have T shirt fundrasier campaigns and normal donations, the campus was founded by ten families living on a city rubbish dump.

Its clear evidence that persistence in any situation can be overcome, not that you would see much success story like this in traditional media where you are told what to think and no doubt a country with this kind of poverty, would possibly have a worse structure. However lets not focus on the negative and instead lets focus on the empathy, one of the success stories is Chiky, check out the excert pasted from the website below;

When Dona Reyna made the decision to leave her home atop the trash heap at the Managua Dump and move her family to take part in Project Chacocente in 2004, her son,José Francisco Ortiz Soza, (nicknamed “Chiky”) was angry. At age 15, he was quite the rebel! The violent gang he belonged to threatened him if he left. Reluctantly, he joined his mother, sister and brothers in the rural countryside of Masaya but quickly became bored and moved between the dump and Chacocente for several months. Thanks to the perseverance of his mother and the staff, he realized his future could be quite different than the futures of his gang member friends. He began to spend more time at the Project, helping with home construction, farming and attending public school. Since then he has earned his high school diploma, completed a technical course in electricity and earned a certificate for English fluency from the University of Central America. He is employed in Managua in telecommunication and often helps translate for visiting delegations. We are so proud of the strong, determined young man he has become!

How great is that, check out the Out of the dump website and follow them on twitter

Take care and keep the faith 🙂

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Finding your way


Finding your way is always difficult at first, then when you set your sights and steady yourself, you are on your way to the destination you have chosen.

When looking for an opportunity to improve your current situation is the same experience. What is it that you are looking for, what type of opportunity would make you happier? Diving off the deep end can give great learning experiences, however knowing yourself and what you want and what is it that makes you happy gives a better sense of achievement.

Would you be happy helping people achieve their weight loss goals, take better care of their skin, find more followers or even a coffee with a bit more kick and taste. These are just a few examples of the thousands of opportunities that are out there in the world web where you can build a life for yourself.

Before you embark upon your new journey of utilizing a great opportunity, ask yourself, who are you and what makes you happy.

Take care and keep the faith 🙂

Hope you enjoyed the blog or any of the previous posts, when you make a tip to the New beginnings blog and social networks you help promote empathy and opportunity for everyone and go into a draw for a $100 e voucher.


What is our priority? Empathy or Profit.

Empathy Power

Those who follow my social networks would know that the blog promotes empathy and opportunity with the YouTube videos and links, blog and quotes etc. However when it comes to most businesses what is more important profit or empathy.

Most would say profit, without profit you have no business or future plans for it, this of course is true, however on the other hand can you actually promote a product without empathy, without reasoning or addressing your customer’s needs or wants.

Would Google make a profit if it didn’t allow consumers to search for the things they need or communicate with one another or provide email. I believe the answer would be a no. Is there a business that has made a profit without empathy, reasoning or addressing a market’s needs or wants, I think you would be flat out finding one.

Therefore what is the answer, empathy is the priority, without it there is no profit. Having said that you can’t expect empathy to work like a magic wand all on it’s own, you need to work hard to promote empathy, to get the message out to those who need and want what you can offer.

Take care and keep the faith 🙂

Hope you enjoyed the blog or any of the previous posts, when you make a tip to the New beginnings blog and social networks you help promote empathy and opportunity for everyone and go into a draw for a $100 e voucher.


Ego or Confidence


Ego is not a dirty word said the skyhooks! I would have to agree, often in social media people can make the mistake of confusing the idea of how many followers, friends or circles they have is related to how much success you have, no doubt quantity is important, you need to have a decent size audience, however you need to have a quality audience that you can connect with and relates to your goals and goes where you want your opportunity, website or blog to be.

Getting back to ego, as the famous song by skyhooks states if I didn’t have an ego I wouldn’t be standing here today singing to you today. Ego is necessary, we need to think highly of ourselves, give ourselves the best outlook, however this isn’t to be confused with egotistic which has no regard for others. At the end of the day our life is in our hands, so if we have high opinion of ourselves, at times when people doubt us we are then aware of our good qualities, our strengths.

It is these strengths that our social media profiles need to demonstrate so we can focus getting our quality followers, friends and circles and increase it’s quantity. I guess at the end of the day you need to know yourself, be yourself and be happy with who you are and let your tweets, posts and profile reflect you and allow that good side of you to shine.

Take care and keep the faith 🙂

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Spotlight – Australian Housing Startups, your chance to shine with empathy

Spotlight on house

A discussion on QandA involved the problem Australia faces with housing affordability and the discussions ranged from negative gearing to accessing superannuation, the program also displays tweets that appear on the screen and one came up that I thought was very relevant “startups, startups, startups” I presume what the tweeter was referring to was simply good old fasioned demand and supply economic theory. There isn’t enough properties to go around, so there isn’t enough competition in the marketplace and there is no regulation on the prices dare I say it.

It would be fair to say that this applies to all aspects of the marketplace, for example Luxury cars down to second hand, demand and supply evens out. Well if this is truly the case with housing than why isn’t there a focus on creating more opportunity when clearly there is a demand, why isn’t more housing being created, with technology and architecture innovation these days we don’t have to clear more land, we can go up or reclaim old land, but for some unknown bizarre reason this is not being focused on at all, we seem to be discussing ways to change what we do instead of improving and making the most of what we do.

As housing is shelter, one of Abraham Maslow’s essential needs we need to put an empathy spotlight on property startups who promote new innovative space saving ways so we can have a fair playing field in the housing market, but where does the money come from, I’m sure we are big and brainy enough to figure it out, nonetheless we still need to put a spotlight on it and give this very important issue a chance to shine.

Take care and keep the faith 🙂

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Narcissism – Look at ME!


Social media is probably one of the best ways to communicate throughout history, however it doesn’t change our inner selves and how we choose to express ourselves. There has been a lot of talk of how Narcissism is rife, especially with the youth and social media has been held to blame.

Thinking back before even internet, I ran into as many narcissistic and self absorbed people back then as I do now, it’s just now it is more grotesque, posting stupid pictures of themselves on Instagram doing mindless things or just as silly trying to show off their wealth, however they don’t show us the lessons they have learned or perhaps the mounting debt they hide.

Another way to look at social media and they way I utilise it for NEW BEGINNINGS is to communicate ideas, thoughts, positivity and solutions. I find the networks I use, isn’t just Twitter, however I use Tumblr and WordPress as well and find an array of people all sharing their thoughts, and those thoughts are loaded with empathy and all coming from people I have chosen to follow or they have chosen to follow me.

Having said that you will notice I haven’t mentioned Facebook or Instagram. The reason I choose not to use these networks is they mainly focus on “Keeping up with Jones” mentality, this could be just the way they are marketed and that’s the impression I get, no doubt, however I would rather share my thoughts, feelings and ideas as opposed to me pulling a funny face on newly polished floor or trying to convince people my life is wonderful, nobody’s life is. When you share thoughts feelings and ideas you share your soul with wonderful people and at the end of the day, these are the people you chose to follow and they chose you, therefore social media is NOT to blame.

Take care and keep the faith 🙂

Hope you enjoyed the blog or any of the previous posts, when you make a tip to the New beginnings blog and social networks you help promote empathy and opportunity for everyone and go into a draw for a $100 e voucher.


Dismissing Timewasters


Time is money, money is time, empathy is everything. This is my motto when it comes to timewasters, in the world of business, we are always running into people with their own agendas, or their own interpretations of what we do or offer and we need to continuously remind them of what we are about, however what do we do with the people who waste our precious time with silly questions or show interest and then never hear from them again.

We usually compalin or curse or if you are really vengeful seek out to waste their time. I have another thought, I came across a tweet from Witty Parrot – “The word NO is every salesteam’s biggest nightmare. But that doesn’t mean the end of the road for that opportunity” what is the underlying meaning of that, one could say that it means you need to be more persistant in reaching more people to get to your YES or perhaps could it mean we need to approach our message more directly, maybe the person we are talking too isn’t wasting our time but waiting for us to tell them something they want to hear.

When people go to a stadium to watch their team play at a match, they all have ther own interpretation of how that game went. An obvious example would be that the winning team would think the game went great where as the losing team thought it was awful, however you have also people who may say the reason for the teams perfomance is due to poor conditions or perhaps the lead player wasn’t well, another may say that their team is highly skilled and train hard, thats the reason for their success.

Either way its their outlook that decides their response. I think it is our job as business people, entreprenuers, affiliate marketers, Sales people and so forth to discover their outlook and and see if what we offer matches their outlook and of course benefits them in someway, like when we use our empathy, hence there is no timewaster just people who didn’t get our message.

Take care and keep the faith 🙂

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